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Estimating uncertainty in image-to-image networks is an important task, particularly as such networks are being increasingly deployed in the biological and medical imaging realms. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to this problem based on masking. Given an existing image-to-image network, our approach computes a mask such that the distance between the masked reconstructed image and the masked true image is guaranteed to be less than a specified threshold, with high probability. The mask thus identifies the more certain regions of the reconstructed image. Our approach is agnostic to the underlying image-to-image network, and only requires triples of the input (degraded), reconstructed and true images for training. Furthermore, our method is agnostic to the distance metric used. As a result, one can use $L_p$-style distances or perceptual distances like LPIPS, which contrasts with interval-based approaches to uncertainty. Our theoretical guarantees derive from a conformal calibration procedure. We evaluate our mask-based approach to uncertainty on image colorization, image completion, and super-resolution tasks, demonstrating high quality performance on each.
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We propose an algorithm for learning a conditional generative model of a molecule given a target. Specifically, given a receptor molecule that one wishes to bind to, the conditional model generates candidate ligand molecules that may bind to it. The distribution should be invariant to rigid body transformations that act $\textit{jointly}$ on the ligand and the receptor; it should also be invariant to permutations of either the ligand or receptor atoms. Our learning algorithm is based on a continuous normalizing flow. We establish semi-equivariance conditions on the flow which guarantee the aforementioned invariance conditions on the conditional distribution. We propose a graph neural network architecture which implements this flow, and which is designed to learn effectively despite the vast differences in size between the ligand and receptor. We evaluate our method on the CrossDocked2020 dataset, attaining a significant improvement in binding affinity over competing methods.
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通过分析医学图像来编写报告对于缺乏经验的从业者和经验丰富的医生来说是错误的。在这项工作中,我们介绍了改编预先训练的视力和语言模型来解释医学图像并以自然语言生成自动报告的Repsnet。 repsnet由一个编码器模型组成:编码器通过对比度学习将图像与自然语言描述对齐,而解码器则通过对编码图像进行调节和通过最近的邻居搜索检索的描述的先验上下文来预测答案。我们在视觉问题回答设置中提出问题,以处理分类和描述性的自然语言答案。我们在放射学图像数据集的两个医学视觉问题回答(VQA-RAD)和报告生成(IU-XRAR)的两个具有挑战性的任务上进行实验。结果表明,REPNET优于最先进的方法,在VQA-RAD 2018上具有81.08%的分类精度和IU-XRAY的0.58 BLEU-1得分。补充详细信息可从https://sites.google.com/view/repsnet获得
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量子光学器件中的自发参数下转换是实现具有空间光模式的高维QUITIES的宝贵资源。主要开放挑战之一是如何在SPDC过程中直接生成所需的Qudit状态。通过高级计算学习方法可以解决这个问题;然而,由于通过考虑所有互动效应的完全可分辨率算法对SPDC过程建模的困难,进展有限。在这里,我们克服了这些限制并引入了物理受约束和可微分的模型,验证了针对形状泵浦梁和结构晶体的实验结果,能够在过程中学习每个交互参数。我们避免了我们物理模型随机性质引起的任何限制,并整合了在SPDC Hamiltonian下的演变的动态方程。我们解决了设计非线性量子光学系统的逆问题,该系统实现了降低的光子对的所需量子状态。使用不同空间模式之间的二阶相关性或通过指定所需的密度矩阵来定义所需状态。通过学习非线性卷全息图以及不同的泵形状,我们成功地展示了如何生成最大纠缠的状态。此外,我们通过主动改变泵浦光束的轮廓来模拟产生的量子状态的全光相干控制。我们的工作对于高维量子密钥分布和量子信息处理协议等新颖设计有用。此外,我们的方法可以容易地应用于控制SPDC过程中的其他光度的其他光度,例如光谱和时间特性,甚至可以用于具有类似相互作用Hamiltonian的冷凝物系统。
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